Industry: Finance

Photography: curation from client photos
Copywriting: headlines & body
Content sourcing: press, testimonials, brand logos
UI & UX: architecture & visual flow
Creative Additions: featured spotlight
SEO: keywords, indexing, & business essentials

Jenny nailed it!

Jenny and I have been friends for a long time, and I have always been in awe of her creativity and the fun she brings to her projects. We were planning our 10 Year Anniversary Party, and I knew she was the one to help us out with the logo and event details. We talked about a Miami Vice theme, and Jenny loved the idea. We had a pretty tight timeline, but Jenny got to work right away.

And Jenny nailed it! She showed us a variety of logos, and they were better than what we envisioned! She set the tone for the whole event with color, graphics, and all the extras we needed (and we needed A LOT! LAST MINUTE!). Jenny was always there for us, even up until the morning of the event. The celebration was a huge success, and I know Jenny's vision was a big part of the reason why.

— Jodi Rose | Rose Capital Advisors


Radiant Medispa Website


Caring for All Website